Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Special Guest: Brian Pow, Concept Artist

So, with spring break and a bunch of other events popping up I forgot to post the Special Guest we had on Friday March 9th. Here is the post and I apologize to our guest.

Special Guest Brian Pow

The class was greeted by Mr. Brian Pow, Concept Artist and Art Director for Trench Games, and indie game company who has been recently developing the game Galaxy for Hire. Brian is a former student of mine and an amazing concept artist.

His discussion and demo showed the students how to setup brushes to be more efficient and quick in concepting with Photoshop. He gave them pointers like actually taking pictures of foliage to use as brushes. Having perspective lines ready to use. To paraphrase, he said the job of a concept artist is communication. That concept artist are putting things together more than they are creating.

He went on tot discuss the game team is currently developing, Galaxy for Hire. He showed a lot of variety in the concepts and how not everything you "assemble" gets into the project you are working on. He show the students how to come up with an color palette that the texture artist and designers would be working off of. The students got a chance to ask questions about directions and his process.

In Picture from left to Right: Back Row - Anil, David M. Nick, David R. Richard S, Garrett. Front Row - Brian Pow and Richard W.

I might be a little bias, but Galaxy for Hire looks to be an amazing looking game. I am proud to have taught some of the people working on it and to have had some of the as classmates as well. Good Luck to Trench Games.

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